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  • @iamSilentNoise

No More Than 6 Per Partey

Arsenal get back to business with a away game in the blue side of Manchester.

So the transfer window closed. And we did go and match the release clause for Partey on deadline day. And with him, Gabriel, Willian on a free and tying down Auba I'm fairly pleased with our work. I would have loved a creative player (I wasn't really sold on Aouar), but I hope our lack of goal scoring opportunities doesn't come back to haunt us. More damaging than any lack of incoming players was the lack of outgoings. Chambers, Mustafi, Sokratis, Kolasinac, Elneny, (who seems to be firmly in the managers plans starting against Sheffield) all stay at the club with only Torreira leaving.

The next couple windows will be interesting, so much movement is due to take place.

We come out the other side of an international break with a nice easy away day in Manchester. Cough cough, sorry, on second thoughts.

Arteta when asked on the challenge ahead said,

"Well, our ambition is to go there and to try and beat them again. We know the challenge; we know how hard it is. Every detail, every individual performance has to be top and we have to control a lot of aspects of the game."

It seems like we're playing City and Liverpool a lot in the last few months and with another game against city in the city, this should be a sign of things to come. It will be a difficult game and we'll have to impose ourselves on the ball, if we're to stand a chance at shipping goal passed their suspect backline. We've only been playing a 2in midfield with wingback so I fear they'll have space in the middle to exploit our set up.

I imagine Gabriel and Luiz will keep their starting spot, with Tierney making up the 3rd CB

Bellerin and AMN in the wing back role with Elneny and Ceballos in the mid, funny because when Xhaka got subbed two games ago I thought it was strange, then he didn't start against Sheffield, so maybe the boss will stick with the same midfield. Up top I'd like to see Pepe start, he changed the last game when he came on, and Willian hasn't been great. So I'd like to see Auba and Pepe with Laca down the middle.

It will be great to be up by 3goals going into the last 20mins and then bring on Partey to really turn in the celebrations. I can dream right...


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